Plant Type:
This tropical Bromeliad grows best potted into a free draining mix, we’d recommend an orchid bark mix.
Cold Hardiness:
Billbergia ‘Hallelujah’ is a tender tropical bromeliad that will need protection from temperatures below 5ºC.
Eventual Height:
Billbergia ‘Hallelujah’ is a relatively tall growing bromeliad. When in bloom the pink flower spike will emerge from the ‘cup’ in the centre of the rosette of leaves. Over time these bromeliads will produces lot’s of offsets.
Light requirements:
Full sun / Partial Shade
Billbergia ‘Hallelujah’ grows will in partial shade and full sun, exactly the light conditions that you would expect in its rainforest habitat. When grown in full sun the leaves will produce their best colouration.
Water Requirements:
Bromeliads do not require water at their roots, instead keep the ‘cup’ in the centre of their rosettes topped up with water. In the wild they will fill up with rainwater to stay healthy in periods of drought.
Caring for this plant:
Spring & Summer: Move outside when the weather is warm enough. Be sure to keep the central rosette topped up with water in dry periods.
Autumn & Winter: Move indoors to protect this tender bromeliad from cold. Be sure to keep the central rosette topped up with water when growing indoors.