Plant Type:
Shrub / Tree
Pseuodopanax arboreus can be trained to grow as a single stemmed tree or pruned to encourage a multi-stemmed shrub form.
Cold Hardiness:
Hardy when mature
Young Pseuodopanax arboreus will require protection from cold weather. As the plant matures and the stems become woody they are very cold tolerant, surviving temperatures as low as -6ºC in the Grow Paradise garden.
Eventual Height:
Though these incredible plants can grow very tall, they tolerate hard pruning well and can be maintained at a desired size.
Light requirements:
Partial shade – Full sun
Water Requirements:
Caring for this plant:
Plant Care: Pseudopanax are easy to care for plants, especially mature specimens. Protect these young plants from severe cold weather using horticultural fleece. When 2-3 years old they will easily survive cold weather and provide lush foliage all year. Grows well in partial shade. Feed with organic high nitrogen fertiliser.