Plant Type:
Billbergia nutans variegata is an epiphytic bromeliads. This means that it can grow with it’s roots attached the branches of larger trees. These versatile Bromeliads will also happily grow planted into a pot with a very free draining mix, we’d recommend orchid bark.
Cold Hardiness:
Billbergia nutans variegata is one of the hardiest epiphytic Bromeliads that can be grown outdoors in the UK, though it is not as cold tolerant as the straight green species. They can tolerate temperatures as low as 0ºC for short periods of time.
Eventual Height:
Mature Billbergia nutans variegata plants can grow to reach a height of 75cm. When in bloom a pink flower spike emerges from the central rosette and arches gracefully downward. Established clumps will form over time, with several younger plants appearing at the base of the main Bromeliad.
Light requirements:
Partial shade / Full Sun
As with most Bromeliads, Billbergia nutans variegata tolerates partial shade to full sun. In full sun the variegated foliage flushes pink.
Water Requirements:
Unlike most plants, these bromeliads collect the majority of their water in the central ‘cup’ of the rosette of leaves. Keep this ‘cup’ topped up through periods of drought and your Billbergia nutans variegata will thrive.
Caring for this plant:
Billbergia nutans is one of the easiest plants to care for, making it an attractive addition to any garden.
Spring & summer: Cut back old flower spikes and dead foliage. Water in the central rosette in dry periods.
Autumn & Winter: Protect from sub-zero temperatures. Split and divide established clumps.