Plant Type:
Herbaceous perennial
Canna ‘Cannova Bronze Orange’ grows rapidly each year from underground rhizomes. Over time Canna plants will form a thick clump.
Cold Hardiness:
Canna ‘Cannova Bronze Orange’ is best lifted and protected from severe cold and wet winter weather. In mild gardens it can be left out through winter in a well drained spot with the Canna rhizomes mulched for added protection from cold.
Eventual Height:
Canna ‘Cannova Bronze Orange’ will quickly grow to reach heights of 80cm, producing lush tropical foliage and stunning colourful blooms in mid-to-late summer.
Light requirements:
Full Sun / Partial Shade
Though Canna ‘Canna ‘Cannova Bronze Orange’ will tolerate partial shade, it will grow and bloom best in full sun.
Water Requirements:
Frequent in summer
Caring for this plant:
Spring/Summer care: In summer water the plant frequently, this will ensure the leaves stay healthy. Fertilise Canna plants once a week during spring and summer with a liquid feed to promote healthy growth.
Autumn/Winter care: Cut back frosted foliage. In winter we recommend lifting the rhizomes to protect them from cold and wet damage. In mild gardens the Canna rhizomes can be left planted out, provided they have good drainage and a thick mulch.