Plant Type:
Herbaceous Perennial
Salvia ‘Amistad’ has been a popular plant on our nursery for many years. This relatively tall growing Salvia produces masses of deep purple blooms all summer long that are adored by pollinating insects.
Cold Hardiness:
Half Hardy
In mild parts of the UK Salvia ‘Amistad’ is reliably winter hardy. In very wet and cold parts of world this plant will need protection to help it survive winter.
Eventual Height:
Part of the attraction of Salvia ‘Amistad’ is the fact that it can hold its own when planted in a mixed border. The tall stems and attractive flowers can reach heights of 1m+.
Light requirements:
Full Sun – Partial Shade
Salvia ‘Amistad’ will grow relatively well in partial shade, but will bloom better and grow far stronger when grown in full sun.
Water Requirements:
A real benefit of adding Salvia plants to your garden is that there requirements for water are usually very low.
Caring for this plant:
Spring & Summer: Provide organic liquid feed to promote healthy growth. Pinch out the growing tips of young plants to encourage bushier growth and more flowering stems.
Autumn & Winter: Leave frosted stems in-situ to provide habitat for native wildlife.