Plant Type:
Solanum quitoense is a fast growing tender shrub that will produce large leaves and small edible orange fruits
Cold Hardiness:
To overwinter Solanum quitoense we recommend containerising it and keeping it frost free.
Eventual Height:
Solanum quitoense is capable of reaching impressive heights when grown in optimum conditions. Provide regular fertiliser to produce large healthy plants with large leaves and delicious fruit late in the season.
Light requirements:
Full sun /Partial shade
Solanum quitoense require bright light for healthy growth but benefit from additional water when grown in full sun.
Water Requirements:
Caring for this plant:
Spring & Summer: Cut back cold damaged shoots and leaves. Feed with liquid tomato fertiliser.
Autumn & Winter: Protect plants from severe cold. Either containerise and keep frost free or propagate from stem cuttings.
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